YouTube Videos

I have a very small number of youtube videos but hopefully will be making more as time goes along. Check them out and let me know what you think.

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A Short slideshow of Supporting scripture



  1. This is the first song I have recorded. Sorry about the low quality, but all I have to record with currently is the youtube webcam program. Hopefully in the future I will have access to some better equipment and re-record it.

    Right now I am mainly just wanting some feedback on the song itself so the quality of the recording isn't that big of a deal to me. As always critiques, tips, and constructive criticism is welcome. Check it and let me know what you think.

    I Crucify My Messiah

  2. I Crucify My Messiah.

    I was crying alone in my bed last night,
    When i felt your presence near.
    i couldn't believe you were still there with me!

    Your soft sweet voice floated in on the wind,
    And took away my fear.
    I couldn't believe you were still forgiving me!

    Do you hurt a little more every time I sin,
    Can you feel the nails being driven in?
    Does it hurt you to know that I'll stumble again?

    I was praying alone in my room last night,
    When I heard your whispers sweet.
    I couldn't believe you would still talk to me.

    You said give me your pain and give me your fright,
    "Your demons I'll defeat."
    I couldn't believe you would still fight for me!

    Oh, I'm sorry. Lord forgive me!

    I was crying again as I prayed last night,
    I could feel your presence sweet.
    I was crying because you were still there with me.

    Your soft sweet voice floated in on the wind,
    "Your demons I'll defeat."
    I was crying because you were still fighting for me.

    Oh, I'm sorry. Lord forgive me!
    Oh, I'm sorry. Lord forgive me!

  3. He is always there no matter what. The song was in touch with my spirit of the lord and I know he touch me and never left my side but Jesus is real to me and my beloved .Dee

    1. Indeed. He is always there. It's wonderful. I had gone through some pretty rough times when I wrote this and it still amazes me and is such a blessing that He IS always there!

      Thanks for the read and comment I am glad it touched you. I hope God will use it as encouragement in the lives of others.

  4. I love what you have to say about Halloween. I completely agree with what you say about Halloween. I like that you call Yahushua Messiah. I would like to state that there are many pagan practices that people follow unwittingly.


    1. Thanks. I am glad you liked them.

      I know they are not great quality but I am more concerned with getting the message they have out. It's always nice to know people like what you have spent your time on though.

      Agreed. There are many pagan practices indeed. My family and I have stopped doing nearly all the modern hollidays except Thanksgiving. (As far as I know it has it's roots in actually giving thanks to God)
      We used to do Hanuka in replacement of Christmas when we found out it had a lot of paganism in it but then last year we found out a lot of paganism and man made traditions in Hanuka as well and so we just try to celebrate the feast of the LORD as outlined in Leviticus 23 since we know those were given by GOD we know they are safe. We don't do the modern traditions only what we can glean from the scriptures.
